by Choo Kah Ying (14 pages, no additional preparation needed)
The themes of this Literacy Level 3 Ready-to-Use (RTU) Sentence Template — "Doing 3: What is (are) He/She (They) Doing?" revolve around what various individuals are doing. Supported by images, the contexts should still be sufficiently interesting and meaningful to the learner who had completed Literacy Levels 1 and 2.
With these worksheet templates, learners will:
- Learn new vocabulary, different pronouns, and verbs within the context of simple sentence structures.
- Learn to respond to two types of interrelated questions, e.g.: 1) “What is she doing?” that focuses on the action (verb); and 2) If the response is “She is writing”, the follow-up question will be “Where is is she writing” that focuses on the place (“beach”).
Targeted learner
Young learners (aged 5 and above) OR older learners with moderate to severe learning difficulties, who have a basic command of words and phrases.
Check out the two other Literacy Level 3 Ready-To-Use (RTU) Sentence Templates: "Doing 1: What is He/She Doing?" and "Doing 2: What are They Doing?".