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What is Autism... Really? Introducing A.T.D.R.A. by Dr. Antonio Rinaldi

With the support of the National Library Board who provided us with a free venue at Geylang East Library, A Mother's Wish was proud to organise a free in-person talk featuring Dr. Antonio Rinaldi sharing about A.T.D.R.A. (Dynamic Relationship Therapeutic Approach Created in Water).

This animated presentation involved:

- Role Plays to cultivate the empathy of the audience by relating the autistics' experience of anxiety in their daily life to anxiety-provoking situations that we might all encounter: Autistic People are not as different from us as we may think.

- Use of Videos to: 1) highlight erroneous thinking in the way that we misperceive the "inappropriateness" of autistic individuals' behaviour; and 2) demonstrate how we could better connect with autistic individuals if we had an accurate understanding of the functioning of their stereotypical behaviours.

- Dynamics of A.T.D.R.A. paradigm in action : How A.T.D.R.A. concepts and techniques can be used to: 1) offer control and predictability for autistic individuals to minimise their stress; and 2) introduce logical modifications to increase their flexibility.

We have two more FREE workshops:

Workshop 2 for parents only (July 13, 10- 12): Workshop 3 for teachers only (July 13, 1- 3 pm):

To sign up for subsidised swimming therapy sessions (autistic individual) and private consultations (for parents):

Thanks to signups for the sessions, we would like to extend another free session (a two-hour session comprising a swimming pool therapy session and a private consultation) to a disadvantaged family. Please contact us.

Finally, we would like to thank our sponsor for covering Dr. Antonio's stay in Singapore to allow us to provide these free workshops and subsidised consultations for families and schools.

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