AMW2021 Talk #2: Embracing Our Autistic Loved Ones as “Human Beings”, not “Human Doings”
Thursday, March 25th, 8-9:30 pm
Update on our second A Mother’s Wish session: Only 3 tickets sold to date :-(
Please join us for an illuminating experience, as I chat with two enlightening guests who embody the loving and non-judgmental spirit that all of us need to develop in order to build genuine connections and relationships with our autistic loved ones. So often, as parents and professionals, we can get so caught up in trying to “fix” our kids that we do not try to get to know them - their unique selves. Therefore, we often fail to recognise how hard they are trying to reach out to us and seek our help to survive in this challenging mainstream world, in their unusual, but nonetheless, expressive ways. Over time, our neglect of their well-being can lead to a buildup of frustration. This is why I am grateful to have Mark join me in this session to share with us about the importance of how adopting a positive and encouraging mindset that is focused on the emotional well-being of our autistic kids should lies at the heart of any “treatment”. What this perspective will also illuminate is that the key to any progress has to begin with our ability to expand our mindset and think outside the box about how to interact with autistic individuals.
Mark Vrbatovic (Vee), a Specialised Mentor of Autistic Youths and Adults
With over 20 years of working in Disability and Positive Behavioural Support in the UK and Australia, Mark Vee offers holistic and person-centred care plans. It comprises activities and therapies, as well as the monitoring of progress for sustained improvement in daily life. Furthermore, he also supports families and helpers with practical day-to-day and hands-on solutions.
To contact Mark: WhatsApp: +65 9845-1737