Working with Purpose: For My Autistic Son's Sanctuary
It's been a LONG while, since I've written a blog post or even continued with my serialisation of my book, Where Does My Autistic Son...

Serialization of Where Does My Autistic Son Belong? Chapter 18: Sebastien's "Graduation"
From time to time, I will hear from parents who have apparently been following my serialization rather closely. It is always a nice...

"Speaking" in Colours Virtual Exhibition— the Untaught, Self-Guided Paintings of My Autistic Son
by Choo Kah Ying "Speaking" in Colours Virtual Exhibition Series Background For the longest time, even after the sales of Sebastien's...

AMW2022 Dialogue #1: Jasper’s Independence: Jason’s Dream for His Autistic Son
An Inspiring Talk for All Parents and People who Love Healthy Treats! Register for the talk here: https://jasonjasperthesoyautism.peatix....

“Movement” Meditation: A Tool for Parenting and Work
by Choo Kah Ying After tinkering with meditation on and off since the 1990s, I have finally crossed a “threshold” to become a regular...

Playing "Monster" Peekaboo with My Son, an Autistic Young Man
by Choo Kah Ying Recently, when I released a 17-page illustrated e-book, entitled Beautiful Monster (SGD6; see a short video of the book...

Week 17 of Serialization of Where Does My Autistic Son Belong? Chapter 17 The First 7 Days
From time to time, I will hear from parents who have apparently been following my serialization rather closely. It is always a nice...

Transforming the Eye of the Beholder to "See" the Autistic Individual in an Amazing Light
Painting Series by Jean-Sebastien Choo, Self-taught Autistic Artist, #22 by Choo Kah Ying Transforming the Eye of the Beholder (12 x 9...

Autism Pains: Meltdowns in Puberty and Beyond (Free Event)
by Choo Kah Ying Autism Pains: Meltdowns in Puberty and Beyond A Dialogue between Two Mums and Q & A Time: Dec 2, 2021 08:00–09:30 PM...

Remote Parenting of My Autistic Son
by Choo Kah Ying When Angelia Poon, a former classmate of mine and a wonderful supporter of A Mother’s Wish, invited me to contribute an...